Thursday, November 26, 2009

I can prove it . . . I'm the real deal.

 I know, I know--I haven't blogged in like a month.  I go on kicks and just haven't felt like it.  Maybe I will start being better and maybe I won't.  But here is one for now . . .


That's right, people.  That is my name on the official group fitness schedule!

I got my group exercise certification (actually months ago but I have been putting off posting),  and I taught classes up in Port Hueneme for the past couple months.  Woohoo!  I have now taught Step, Pilates, Weight Training, Zumba, and even started a Hip Hop class on base.  I LOVED IT!  I have to say that my favorite class to teach was Zumba Gold, aka. Zumba for senior citizens.  Hilarious.  There are about six little old ladies (and I mean probably late 70s or early 80s) that would come to shake it on Friday mornings.  Awesome.  My goal: be the spunky when I am 80!

Now I just need to find a job down here in San Diego.


Sarah McK said...

You go girl! WORK IT!

Brooke said...

ow OW! Check you out...seriously girl, you are lookin good! :)

amylouwhosews said...

love it! Congrats! I'm going to get AFAA certified in February I think - maybe start teaching Yoga again? What a concept!

Chelsea said...

That's awesome! I can just imagine you grooving with the elderly. ;)

Courtney Lee said...

Love it!!! I was wondering if you had gotten your certification! How are you lovey? I miss you! Good luck on getting a job in San Diego!