Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Too good of a cause to pass up

Many of you may have already heard about this cause from my sisters, but with it being gift buying season and a cause is near and dear to my heart, I thought I would put in my two cents as well.  

Remember the orphanage in El Sal that Sam and I volunteered at last summer?  Well the most recent pair of volunteers just so happened to include an amazing photographer who spent all summer trying to capture the spirits of the residents.  See for yourself . . .

Aren't they adorable?  Well, they created a calendar from the pictures and are selling them to raise money for the Hogar.  They are only $15 and 100% of the proceeds go directly to the orphanage.  So if you want to help these cuties and see them everyday as a reminder, you should contact me.  Or you could pull a George Costanza and give your friends and family's gifts to someone else . . . Only a real someone in this instance.  :)


Kristie said...

Quiero un calendario, por favor

Are these word verification things actual words? Mine is brotic.

Sarah McK said...

Love the George reference!